'Twentysix Houses Along Waldeggstrasse' by Otto HAINZL quotes the artist book 'Twentysix Gasoline Stations' by Ed RUSCHA. The b/w images by the Austrian show the empty buildings of a street in Linz as well as the social dramaturgy of urban development.
from 22,00 € Weight 0.2 kg
Self-published volume 'Do You Sea?' by Selen BOTTO deals about unvisible waste on beaches. It contains over 50 photomontages, the Italian photographer/artist by covering areas of colored beach photographs with plastic pieces and photographing them again.
25,00 € * Weight 0.4 kg
The small, limited edition photographic volume 'New York, 1975' documents in 30 color imafes the forays through New York City by the artist André CADERE during his first trip. It's also a look back at the ever-changing US-metropolis of the mid-1970s.
33,00 € * Weight 0.3 kg
In his book '22 day in Between', Salih BASHEER collects the few memories he has of his parents, who passed away when he was 3 years old. These memories, seen from a child’s perspective are presented in a mix of images, writing, self-portraits and drawings
36,00 € * Weight 0.6 kg
In his photo book 'Ctrl-X', Kai LÖFFELBEIN explores the use of limited resources and documents the path of e-waste from Europe and the USA to the post-apocalyptic Agbogbloshie (Ghana), the e-waste city Guiyu (China) and the backyard workshops of New Delhi
38,00 € * Weight 1 kg
For 'Quand même / Anyway / Nevertheless', Dorothée LEBRUN invited her neighbors during the pandemic to create a visual chronicle that parallel drama runs. A resolutely modern artist's book that belongs to a contemporary approach to documentary photography
40,00 € * Weight 0.6 kg
The photo volume 'Shooting the Tiger' by Chinese-Dutch photographer Xiaoxiao XU shows an aspect of Chinese culture that is in the process of disappearing. It documents the colorful world of Shèhuo - we travel with her from village to village.
from 40,00 € Weight 0.4 kg
The exhibition catalog on the work of East-German photographer Evelyn RICHTER presents central groups of works, from the beginnings of her photographic activity in the 1950s to the fall of the Berlin Wall. It also includes photographs from her archive.
42,00 € * Weight 1.4 kg
Using old paintings, newspaper clippings, letters & photographs, this book, 'Dear Franklin' by Kurt TONG, tells a fictional love story and immerses the reader in the history of the Chinese diaspora, from the fall of the Middle Kingdom in 1912 to the 1950s
44,00 € Weight 0.9 kg
'Common Dreams' by Kai LÖFFELBEIN reflects China's change and the existing contrasts. It critically examines its social and economic transformation with a focus on the lives of migrant workers who have to live in the outskirts of the large metropolises.
45,00 € * Weight 0.7 kg