The category 'FOR PROFESSIONALS / CURATOR'S CHOICE' gathers recommendations that are suitable for professionals, e.g. Curators. This includes secondary literature such as compendia and monographs.

Authors (2)

This catalog volume contains a summary of Thomas RUFF's exhibitions to date - from his earliest beginnings to his most recent works - and thus provides a complete overview of the entire oeuvre of one of the famous artists of the Düsseldorf Photo School.
0,00 € * Weight 0.8 kg
'Quitting Your Day Job. Chauncey Hare's Photographic Work' addresses the difficult relationship between art & politics that has defined the career of Chauncey HARE. Robert Slifkin draws on largely unexplored material to analyze these brilliant photographs
from 20,00 € Weight 0.4 kg
In 'Wirtschaft trifft Kunst' (business meets art) by Lehmann, managing directors, company owners, artists, art historians, economists & scientists discuss the ideal & material (added) value of art and provide insights into the mechanisms of the art market
0,00 € * Weight 1 kg
'Pandora's Camera' by Joan FONTCUBERTA gathers essays in which he considers the technological changes photography has experienced since the 2000s: between loss & hope, the disappearance of silver gelatin photography as well as the possibilities of digital
98,00 € * Weight 0.3 kg
'The Bitter Years: Edward Steichen and the FSA Photographs' contains all the photos from the original exhibition in the structure & sequence as conceived for the show. An important contribution, as there was no proper catalog for the show at the time.
120,00 € * Weight 2 kg
'The Italian Photobook 1931-1941' by Giorgio Grillo traces the short, intense history of (photo)graphic modernism in Italy - as a medium between autonomous visual research and a 'functional' use in the often overlapping areas of advertising & propaganda.
48,00 € * Weight 1 kg
This volume, 'Josef Koudelka: The Making of Exiles', represents an exploration of the making and developement of that photographic journey in which he described the journeys and everyday lives of the peoples he encountered on his travels through Europe.
68,00 € Weight 1.2 kg
This book shows Marie GOSLICH photographs as a mirror of their time, documenting the social ills & the destruction of infrastructure in Berlin. With her camera she traces as well hardship, narrowness as decay and drew an unadulterated picture of the city.
38,00 € * Weight 1.8 kg
In 'Photobooks &' researcher Matt Johnston explores trends & practices based on research, interviews & his own experiences. He proposes a critical framework for looking at photo book use and calls for a reorientation to address its communicative potential
22,50 € * Weight 0.5 kg
Der vergriffene Band 'New Topographics' dokumentiert die historische Bedeutung der gleichnamigen Ausstellung u.a. mit Arbeiten von BALTZ, BECHER & SHORE, aus der sich ein neuer Ansatz für die Landschaftsfotografie ergeben hat und die bis heute fortwirkt.
198,00 €