Signed photobooks

Background information

Signed photo books are highly desirable for the photo book library of collectors, e.g. because they

  1. the mass-produced object 'photo book' stand out from the crowd and are only
  2. are only available in limited numbers
  3. bring a personal touch to the collection.

In addition, the collector can show that he is up to date. Since photo books by still unknown photographers are often produced with caution only in small editions and the publisher/photographer wants to ensure a high distribution by the signature, these volumes often become later sought-after collector's items.

Recent examples of now sought-after photo volumes by formerly lesser known photographers

'The Rage of Devotion' by Liza AMBROSSIO - 'Altered Ocean' by Mandy BARKER - 'Oasis Hotel' by Nicolo DEGIORGIS - 'The Island of the Color Blind' by Sanne DE WILDE - 'Two Rivers' by Carolyn DRAKE - 'Reading Raymond Carver' & 'Real Life Dramas' by Mary FREY - 'A' and 'ZZYZY' by Gregory HALPERN - 'Standing by the Wall. Berlin 1990' by Josef Wolfgang MAYER - 'Cette Montagne. C'est moi' by Witho WORMS ... to name just a few titles ...

In his photo volume 'Common Ground', Rui CAMILO documents simple, often improvised goal constructions erected in a wide variety of places, even in remote areas, which reveal a lot about their geographical and social context through their varied design.
58,00 € * Weight 1.4 kg
In 1984/85, the miners engaged in a bitter labor dispute that marked the end of the mining era in the UK. The photo book 'The Enemy Within: The Miners' Strike 1984/85' by Michael KERSTGENS provides an insight into the brutal strike that tore society apart
42,00 € * Weight 1 kg
'Véhiculaire et vernaculaire' examines the work of Stephen SHORE through the prism of vehicle photography: a dozen series in chronological order, starting with b/w shots in Los Angeles, ending with 'American Surfaces', 'Uncommon Places' and 'Topographies'
58,00 € * Weight 1 kg
The self-published volume 'Starschnitt' by Martin LIEBSCHER consists of fifty-five parts on 110 pages. Here no. 161 of 175 numbered copies, signed by the artist.
99,00 € * Weight 0.5 kg
The book 'Undertow' by Damien DAUFRESNE is about beginnings & endings, articulated in an open ellipse. The living wave that runs through all of time, an uncertain bridge between the immeasurable water and the sky, made of dust that turns into a landscape.
0,00 € * Weight 0.7 kg
The photographic volume 'Approximate Joy' by Christopher ANDERSON offered here is from the 1st edition and is signed by the Magnum photographer. Collector's edition (1 of 30) with a signed C-print on metallic paper. Book with print and yellow slipcase.
850,00 € * Weight 1.1 kg
The out-of-print photographic volume 'The Man of the Crowd' by Elisabeth TONNARD is about observing and being observed in the urban crowd. It connects Edgar Allan Poe’s story ‘The Man of the Crowd’ to a chance occurrence photographed in a Parisian street.
49,00 € * Weight 0.3 kg
The out-of-print volume 'Matter / Burn Out' by Daisuke YOKOTA is a documentation of the exhibition of the same name in Xiamen, which was burned after its completion. This was documented, with the data processed, manipulated and revived to create this book
298,00 € * Weight 1.1 kg
The out-of-print photographic volume of the Teikai book trilogy by Daisuke YOKOTA, 'Wandering at Midnight' (after 'Linger' and before 'Immerse'), depicts the lonely, midnight drift through the outskirts of a city, human obsession and undreamed dreams.
148,00 € * Weight 0.3 kg
Out-of-print photo book 'Corpus' by Daisuke YOKOTA consists of around forty grainy nude photographs. The b/w images show an indefinable tangle of human limbs and torsos in the confines of a nondescript bedroom - made tangible in an uncanny yet sensual way
120,00 € * Weight 0.6 kg