The photographic volume 'Reenactment' by Arwed MESSMER presents an artistic perspective on the legacy of the GDR secret police. It uses photos from the archives of the Ministry of State Security (Stasi) showing failed escape attempts at the Berlin Wall.
20,00 € * Weight 0.8 kg
In the photographic volume 'The Sad-Eyed Lady', photographer Harf ZIMMERMANN documents the Berliner Luft- und Badeparadies ('Blub' for short), a once popular swimming and leisure center in the Berlin district of Britz, which is now a graffiti-covered ruin
58,00 € Weight 1.6 kg
HC (no dust jacket, as issued), 26 x 23,5 x 1,5 cm., 84 pp., 41 b/w & color ills., text language: English, Ltd. to 750 copies
98,00 € * Weight 0.7 kg
In her out-of-print book 'Am fortgewehten Ort', Gundula SCHULZE ELDOWY tells of the synthesis in which the life of East Berlin bohemians in decaying rear buildings merged with that of the original inhabitants when she came to Prenzlauer Berg in the 1970s.
38,00 € * Weight 0.4 kg
Out-of-print book 'Zusammenleben' (Live together) by Ute MAHLER contains portraits from the GDR of the 1970s & 1980s. Ostkreuz photographer documents the different ways how people experience everyday life together and subtly captures what remains unsaid.
from 120,00 € Weight 1.2 kg
Among the perfectly printed photographs in the book 'Fritz Kühn. Das photographische Werk 1931-1967', there is also a sequence of mostly unpublished photographs taken in Italy, which are among the most sovereign works of the artist who worked in the GDR.
28,00 € Weight 1.4 kg
In the volume 'DDR Ansichten. Views of a Vanished Country', Thomas HOEPKER documents life and the GDR from 1959 until the fall of the Berlin Wall: rallies, dilapidated facades & prefabricated buildings, empty display cases as well as portraits of artists.
178,00 € Weight 1.7 kg
The out-of-print photo volume 'Nude in Polaroid' with its variety of photo artists and their visual languages by Barbara Hitchcock and Andy Grundberg gives a great overview of nude photography in the Polaroid age and the very different Polaroid material.
38,00 € * Weight 1.8 kg